At a young age, experimentation with computers was my primary hobby. Gaming, and tinkering was my idea of a great weekend. As life grew, I found myself the father of four wonderful cats. During the day I help lead software development teams to success, and outside work I love to inspire others through example and streaming.
Encouragement and Respect
Imagine the impossible, prove it to be possible. Explore the unknown and the uncertain. I love to encourage others to try new things, explore new ideas, and push their limits to the next level. At the same time, give people the room to grow and respect them. Don't be condescending. Don't act like you know better. We all have much to learn. Above all else, don't default to thinking other people want your help. If they want it, they'll ask for it.

Water Connoisseur, Tapper, Kisser, Box Lover

Water Connoisseur, Tapper, Kisser, Box Lover

Playful, Zoomy, Chonker, Follower
Playful, Zoomy, Chonker, Follower

Sassy, Playful, Affection Motivated

Sassy, Playful, Affection Motivated

Lap Cat, Wormy, Wiggly, Food Motivated
Lap Cat, Wormy, Wiggly, Food Motivated